Three years ago...

Three years ago...
the view of Mt. Baldy after a wonderful storm...have we seen snow like this in CA since then? Climate change? Oh yes...

Monday, February 12, 2007

"Unbiased Media" Strikes Again...

In wake of the almost Hollywood-like excitement occurring over Barack Obama's official announcement for the presidency of the USA...I want to post an interesting video that I found on YouTube yesterday while I was looking for clips of his speech in Springfield, IL. It would seem that one side is very threatened by Senator Obama's charmismatic and phenomenal presence and felt the need to produce this rubbish. CNN, I'm ashamed. If this is what is considered news, then I have to say that I am happy that my homepage is set for another news site. By the way, for the record, I'm very excited about Barack Obama's announcement. :)


Andrea Cooper said...

Hello Andrea,

Thank you very much for this post. CNN should be ashamed - I'm so angry at this clip - it's ridiculous and disgusting the lengths media will go to, to create suspicion around someone who has a clean background and doesn't give them any real dirt to report. So, let's liken him to a terrorist - because of his name and the way he dresses. This is unacceptable and insulting. I too and excited about Senator Obama's announcement. If you haven't already read his memoir - Dreams of my Father, I recommend it. He has an interesting and RESPECTABLE life story - somehow CNN left that out of their little report. Okay, my ranting is done for the moment :).

Andrea C.

Anonymous said...

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Its almost insulting to the american people to reduce a candidate to his apparel. Im not certain who sits at the media desk and thinks that a story that shifts focus off of a candidates platforms and onto his clothing is acceptable.

Payam said...

I think you guys are taking this the wrong way. I think CNN is mocking Fox News by running this piece. The guy talking to Wolf Blitzer if you watch CNN always produces these sarcastic sort of reports more for humor sake then for actual news. I'm not a big fan of CNN, but don't take this to be on the same scale as some of the ridiculous reporting Fox News gets away with. They had a report last week that Senator Obama studyed at a Madrasa, it was a lead story, what they don't realize is Madrasa is arabic for School. Go figure.

Andrea Rios said...

Thank goodness! I really couldn't believe what I was watching when I saw this...hoping for a rational explanation...possibly a parody like you mentioned! Thank you for enlightening us!

Andrea Rios said...

p.s...there are more ridiculous FOX news reels about Barack Obama on google video that are NOT parody...for example, one that discusses Obama's smoking habit. I loved how they describe it as "Obama's dirty little secret..." when we know that our lovely president had a pretty mean cocaine habit himself!

Andrea Cooper said...

Thanks for your comments Payam. I heard the ridiculous Madrasa story too. Politics !

Amy Yeh said...

In fairness to the media, they are really just doing their job. If there is a "dirty little secret" about someone that is running for president, every single one of you would tune in to "learn" more about it, and in turn, they get excellent ratings. I am not saying what they're doing is right, but on the flip side if they don't report this and other networks do, they are immediately categorized as a network that is SLOW with current events. It's really a double edge-sword for them.