Three years ago...

Three years ago...
the view of Mt. Baldy after a wonderful storm...have we seen snow like this in CA since then? Climate change? Oh yes...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Another Interesting Newsreel

Edited post....forgot to add one important point...

OK, OK, OK, I had to do I know the last "newsclip" I took from google video may have been framed out of context (apparently...) but I just couldn't help myself and I wanted to post another clip from FOX News, my favorite news source. The point to this clip is that whether or not it is a spoof, it's out there and worth thinking about. And yes, while Obama may be a smoker (gasp!), I hear he's trying to quit (good for him). But interestingly, the argument that Obama has this "dirty little secret" is hardly a vice compared to our lovely president's "dirty" cocaine use and other little unreported secrets. But in all seriousness, whatever FOX news is trying to do is pretty ridiculous (perhaps a fictitious spoof or parody? or am I giving them too much credit?).

First and foremost, I cannot believe how FOX brings on an African American to discredit Barack Obama's character. As if to say, "hey everyone, this black guy thinks Barack is a big phony. If his own people distrust him, then maybe you should too!" I think these low blow strategies FOX is using are downright ludicrous. Second, I LOVE how Obama's face is plastered right next to a Marlboro box, as if FOX is trying to make it seem like he's endorsing the product. Second, I just can't believe they are making it seem like he has something dark and dirty hiding in his closet? It's just like Dr. Calderon says, "we all have skeletons in the closet!" And yes, Obama probably does too, but compared to the present administration, I bet Obama's dirty laundry is a walk in the park! I think FOX's attempts to smear Obama's reputation with these absurd allegations (just to poke fun or not) really detracts from the true potential stewardship and leadership abilities candidates have to offer. Further, pictures of Barack Obama next to Marlboro ads leaves lasting negative impressions to the uneducated viewer. Obviously, someone is threatened at FOX news. Let's talk politics and get riled up! It's fun! What do you guys think?


Unknown said...

hey andrea, thanks for bringing this up! i was psyched to hear that obama's running too. the way some of the media tries to portray him is so ridiculous. but it's even more sad that for some ppl, this kind of psychological marketing stuff actually works to turn them away...

i was on recently and you probably already know, but if you go to they have compiled a list of his speeches...not sure if it's complete.

p.s. i love the shawl you're wearing in your photo!


Unknown said...

i forgot to mention: clicking on the speech title takes you to a new page w/ the full text.

Jordan Esraelian said...

I once took a class on Spin tactics and the 2004 presidential election. Why must the media do what's best for ratings rather than what's right! This is why I'm finding it ever more interesting to just read reliable political blogs rather than following mainstream news reels. Blah! good clip.

dpress16 said...

Oh Andrea :)

I agree with your sentiments about the current administration... The response you posted on my blog was fantastic! Sometimes I feel as if all this propaganda is designed to "pull the wool over our eyes" about what is really happening... Here's my deal - if we are questioning the character and motives of American politicians, we are focusing inwards and the bigger, global issues are completely out of our radar. By diverting our attention from the fact that there are millions suffering and dying each year - issues that the US could realistically solve - the masses can be blissfully ignorant... just a thought.


Jen Chen said...


I swear fox news should be my #1 source for comedy. Thanks for sharing this video with us... really now.. it's heinous how skewed this channel is.

Wilson said...

I am excited about this election too... but with so many outstanding issues on the table, is the country ready to accept its first black or first woman president?

Amy Yeh said...

I can believe FOX would cover such a story. Not that anyone at FOX is threatened by him, it's because they can get ratings with such ridiculous stories. Although I am surprised because FOX has always been a liberal network. But again, all FOX really cares about is ratings ratings ratings. Whether the material they post is ethical is...well...irrelevent. Overall I am not surprised at this story and I would not take this seriously. They failed to even make a point in this story, they pretty much made a story out of rumors. My 5 year old cousin can do the same.